Eager Loading

Resolving the N+1 query problem

N+1 query is a common anti-pattern which happens when you call a relation inside a collection of model. Let's take this example:

Post.query.each do |post|
    puts "Post category: #{post.category.name}" 

# Output:
# SELECT * FROM posts;
# SELECT * FROM categories WHERE post_id = 1
# SELECT * FROM categories WHERE post_id = 2
# SELECT * FROM categories WHERE post_id = 3
# SELECT * FROM categories WHERE post_id = 4
# SELECT * FROM categories WHERE post_id = 5
# ....

Since it's faster to query once 100 models than to query 100 times for each model, we could optimize it by calling two requests: one for the posts then one for the related categories.

Clear offers convenient methods called with_[relation] which build the query and cache the related model. Let's try it:

Post.query.with_category.each do |post|
    puts "Post category: #{post.category.name}" 

# Output:
# SELECT * FROM category WHERE post_id IN (SELECT id FROM posts);
# SELECT * FROM posts;

We just resolved our problem, and we will execute only two requests.

Deep inclusion

with_[relation] helper allows you to pass a block, which can refine the related objects. Therefore, it's easy to include far-related model like in this example:

User.query.with_posts(&.with_category).each do |user|
    puts "User #{user.id}'s posts:"
    user.posts.each do |post|
      puts "Post category: #{post.category.name}"

Since the with_[relation] helper return a collection in the block, you can apply filtering over the query:

User.query.with_posts{ |p|  
  p.where(published: true).with_category{ |c| 
}.each do |user|
    puts "User #{user.id}'s published posts:"
    user.posts.each do |post|
      puts "Post category: #{post.category.name}"

# Note: we encourage using &.xxx notation and scopes for the query above. 
# It would then be rewritten like this:
User.query.with_posts(&.published.with_category(&.select("name"))).each do |user|
    puts "User #{user.id}'s published posts:"
    user.posts.each do |post|
      puts "Post category: #{post.category.name}"

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